
5G network extension will bring telesurgery evolution as well as tens of percent higher revenues


5G network extension will bring telesurgery evolution as well as tens of percent higher revenues

The 5G mobile network will not only benefit technology companies. Companies can significantly speed up demanding production, logistics and internal processes and routine data exchange. Among other things, fast data transmission opens the door to artificial intelligence and a slowly developing discipline in medicine – “tele-surgery”, i.e. robot-assisted surgery at a distance. Members of the Association for Applied Research (AAVIT) are hailing the benefits of the fifth-generation network on all fronts of the business spectrum.

The meteoric rise of digital technology will deliver to our daily lives until recently almost unimaginable “gadgets” that previously had a place only in the imaginations of visionaries and the wildest dreamers. The rapid transmission of data is consolidating the position of digitalisation in telesurgery and other techniques that characterise telemedicine disciplines. These allow doctors “halfway around the world” to operate on a patient thanks to real-time digital transmission of the operation, where the surgeon performs the operation and the robot applies his movements in real time and with zero delay, while eliminating human factors such as hand tremors or fatigue.

“The lightning responsiveness of 5G networks will allow us to make the most of the potential of virtual and augmented reality applications, the Internet of Things, and it also seems that we are finally on the verge of a real boom in telesurgery. New, seemingly futuristic concepts will enter the lives of users,” explains Michal Košek, the new CEO of eMan. He adds: “This is a great challenge for us, but we are also pleased that we can be more ambitious in our software development.” 

The IoT phenomenon

The Internet of Things (IoT) can be explained in layman’s terms as the interconnection (network) of technological devices that we use on a daily basis. In practice, we’re mostly talking about the exchange of data and information between them – a washing machine will do the washing and send an alert to your phone. However, a prerequisite for the effective implementation of IoT principles is a reliable and fast internet, which 5G network technology can secure. 

“Companies need fast and reliable internet when performing internal data analysis related to development. The implementation of these technologies will bring our company an increase in revenue by tens of percent,” predicts Jiří Svoboda from Creative Melons. At the same time, he believes that the expansion of fifth-generation networks will lead to a reduction in the number of man-hours, and thus in the costs of administrative operations.

How does 5G accelerate the industry?

The industry of the 2000s, which is being referred to as Industry 4.0, is evolving in the wake of digitisation and automation. In industrial applications, a 5G network can mean, for example, enabling big data from sensors, evaluating machine status on external devices, where it can also predict maintenance needs and then schedule service or automatically order spare parts. 

“Our industrial tablet, supplied with the machine, includes applications for maintenance, production support and communication in the manufacturing plant. It is used for online service diagnostics as well as quick operator training on the customer side. 5G technology will enable data collection, securely connecting this device to the machine, the cloud and other devices,” concludes Tomas Buřival from Fermat, a company specialising in industrial machinery.