DIGITALEUROPE Summer Summit k tématu digitální odolnosti EU

AAVIT attended the DIGITALEUROPE Summer Summit


AAVIT attended the DIGITALEUROPE Summer Summit

On Tuesday 20 June 2022, the DIGITALEUROPE Digital Summer Summit took place in Brussels. Its programme was divided into three panels. The panel on the EU’s digital resilience was introduced by Czech Deputy Prime Minister Ivan Bartoš via video conference. In his contribution, he spoke in particular about cyber security issues. He also mentioned strengthening the resilience of small and medium-sized enterprises and the digital legislation that the Czech Republic, as the EU Council Presidency country, will be addressing. 

The Czech Republic is preparing for its presidential role. In the digital area, this concerns, for example, the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) or the Chips Act, the negotiation of which is expected to move forward substantially in the coming months. Both have the potential to contribute to Europe’s resilience. The war in Ukraine was a particular topic on this panel, which also included Finnish Minister of Transport and Communications Timo Harakka and Microsoft Vice President Casper Klynge. According to Klynge, Ukraine as a country was already the second largest target of cyber attacks in the world before the war started. The war situation then brought not only an intensification of these attacks, but also the development of effective cyber defence methods and a deepening of international cooperation in an effort to counter aggression in the digital field as well. The destruction of physical infrastructure, in the restoration of which the Czech companies, FERMAT CZ and Safetica participate through AAVIT, is very negative. Similar projects have been presented by a number of other national industry associations or the companies themselves. 

All participants agreed that companies are the key element for further development of cyber security. It is they – and not states – that come up with security solutions that are then applied in practice and for the benefit of national security. In this context, DIGITALEUROPE has initiated discussions with the European Commission on the creation of a fund to support the reconstruction of digital infrastructure in Ukraine. There was also a general consensus that the situation has considerably strengthened the dynamics of transatlantic cooperation.

“We welcome the fact that digital issues are becoming an integral part of the priorities of the Czech Presidency, as well as the issue of assistance to Ukraine and its reconstruction. This is where we see a major future role for Czech companies. We were also very pleased that the Brussels audience appreciated the expert insight of the Deputy Prime Minister of the future presidency Bartoš into the topics to be discussed.” adds Jaromír Hanzal, AAVIT Director and direct participant of the summit. AAVIT is an association representing digital companies and a Czech member of the DIGITALEUROPE platform.