Sběrné místo Laptops for Ukraine

AAVIT continues to support Ukraine in 2023


AAVIT continues to support Ukraine in 2023

Our association has joined the European initiative Laptops for Ukraine. Its aim is to collect discarded laptops, tablets and smartphones that companies no longer have a use for. The devices are then sent to Ukraine to strengthen the civilian infrastructure there. The ongoing war conflict is placing demands on the company’s digital equipment, as many activities, led by school lessons, must be conducted online.

That is why the European Commission decided to create this initiative in cooperation with DIGITALEUROPE, Europe’s largest digital association. AAVIT, which is the only Czech member of DIGITALEUROPE, has provided a collection point for this purpose.

Contact details:

  • Branická 26/43, Praha 4 – Braník, Czech Republic (The Forge incubator, AAVIT headquarters)
  • E-mail enquiries: 
  • Contact tel: +420 703 147 664, deposit +420 728 014 942.
  • Collection time: from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.: (please call in advance on the above phone number for details and arrival time)

If you wish to donate more than 50 pieces of equipment, it is not necessary to deliver them in person. Simply enter the information in the European Commission’s crisis management system and the equipment will be collected directly from you. For individual and smaller donations, the collection point on Branická Street is the best choice.

The following link contains further information, including FAQ section: