Laptops for Ukraine

Laptops for Ukraine


Laptops for Ukraine

Give your unused laptop, phone or tablet a new life in the hands of a Ukrainian health professional, teacher or student.

What devices are needed?

  • Laptops
  • Tablets
  • Phones

How do I donate?

Donations of over 50 pieces of equipment:

Larger donations are helped by the Government Digital Team to process. They do not need to be delivered in person, they will be collected through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. 

  • Contact email:

Individual and smaller donations up to 50 items:

Individual and smaller donations can be sent by post or delivered to the address: 

  • AAVIT, Branická 26/43, Prague 4 – Braník, Czech Republic (The Forge Accelerator)
  • E-mail inquiries: 
  • Contact tel: +420 703 147 664 
  • Collection time: from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.: (please call in advance on the above phone number to specify details and arrival time)

Why are the devices needed?

  • 7.1 million people are internally displaced, including up to 2.8 million children
  • 5.7 million children in Ukraine have disrupted education
  • 2,677 educational institutions have been damaged or destroyed
  • 1,153 buildings in 542 public hospitals and other health facilities have been damaged or destroyed

Frequently asked questions

Can I donate materials other than computers/equipment?

Yes, Ukraine needs all types of ICT equipment, from screens to chargers. Feel free to donate this type of equipment as well. 

What are the minimum resource requirements?

The resources should be fully functional. For laptops this also means a working battery, screen and keyboard/trackpad. For phones or other devices with touch screens, the battery and screen should be working. Please add a charger if available.

Do you require a specific brand/OS device?

Laptops may be Windows/Mac/Linux. For other devices may be Android/iOS systems.

Do I need to clear the device before donating?

Yes, this is important: remove all personal/sensitive information from your device before donating. The Ukrainian Ministry of Digital Transformation, the European Commission and DG DIGITALEUROPE do not take responsibility for any information that remains on the donated device.

What happens to my device when it reaches Ukraine?

The delivery of the equipment will be coordinated by the Ukrainian Ministry of Digital Transformation and distributed where it is most needed. This may be a school, hospital, local government or an individual. This decision depends on the quality of the equipment and the most urgent needs of Ukraine. During the campaign we will regularly report on the people receiving the device.

I am a Ukrainian citizen and need a laptop, where can I get one?

Thank you for your message. We are aware that many Ukrainian citizens are currently in need of these devices. That is why we have created this campaign.

Priorities regarding donations will be coordinated by the Ukrainian Ministry of Digital Sphere. The first priority will be critical infrastructure such as hospitals and schools.

After the campaign is over, we will keep you updated on where the laptops have been donated.

I lost my charger, is that a problem?

No, but if you have a working charger that makes the process much easier, we would prefer it.

Will my donation be made public?

Yes – if you agree to it. We are running a communications campaign and will regularly publicise donors and donations on the campaign website and social media. You can also share your donation story in the Futurium EUTech4 Ukraine community and on social media using #LaptopsforUkraine.

How will my device get to Ukraine?

Deliveries will be coordinated through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.

More detailed information on the initiative

Ukraine needs help to stay connected

Since the start of the Russian invasion, it has become increasingly difficult for children and adults in Ukraine to stay connected to the internet. 

The war has had a devastating impact on Ukraine’s infrastructure and millions of people have been displaced, moving their work, education and social life online. An estimated 200,000 pupils in the most affected regions are now learning remotely.

With a severe shortage of electronic devices such as laptops, tablets and smartphones, Ukrainian citizens are at risk of being cut off from the internet.

If you have a new or used device lying around your home, give it a new life in the hands of a Ukrainian nurse, teacher or student. If you are a business and have spare ICT equipment, use it to support the fight for democracy on Europe’s borders.

Your donation will support a hospital in providing basic care, help children continue their education or assist local government in providing vital services.

Thanks to the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, we can get this equipment to Ukraine 

where they are most needed. 

Let’s help Ukraine stay digitally connected.

Let’s collect #LaptopsforUkraine.