
AAVIT member Virtual Lab successfully tested Virtual Training in ICU overseas


AAVIT member Virtual Lab successfully tested Virtual Training in ICU overseas

The InterSystems Global Summit took place in Seattle, USA, at the end of June this year, with the main focus on innovations in the field of data and advanced technologies. AAVIT member Virtual Lab was selected by the organisers of the Caelestinus incubator as one of five Central European companies to participate in the summit. 

The lectures, discussions and interactive events during the summit promote the meeting of top data technology experts, visionaries, managers, developers of established companies and start-ups. During the four-day program, it is not only about presenting industry news, but more importantly about networking and expanding collaboration.  

“We went to Seattle to present a platform for training medical staff in virtual reality – VR ICU, which is already being tested by hospitals in the Czech Republic and Germany,” says Leoš Kubíček, managing director of Virtual Lab. 

The purpose of the app is to enable doctors and nurses to increase the confidence of decision-making, fix the correct procedures when caring for patients in the ICU, and thus minimize the risk of human error. From the very beginning, Virtual Lab has been supported by some of the major manufacturers of medical technology, such as BBraun or Fresenius. Thus, the digital twins of their devices could be set up in a virtual environment by the summit visitors, and InterSystems Vice President Don Woodlock also took the opportunity to test the VR ICU®.

“Especially valuable for us was the opportunity to validate the business model for hospitals and medical equipment manufacturers at the source. The discussion with Anton Gopka – one of the owners of the start-up Longevica and, most importantly, an experienced investor who has successfully prepared five companies for listing on the American stock exchange Nasdaq – brought interesting suggestions,” Kubíček adds.

Representatives of Virtual Lab have also obtained contacts with manufacturers who have expressed interest in cooperation, as well as hospitals that have promised to support the company with feedback from the practice. 

“Connecting the technologies of the future with the needs of the present is the idea behind the birth of the VR ICU®. We are pleased that we have been able to confirm its practical applicability in an international business environment,” Kubíček concludes.