European Health Data Space - digitalizace zdravotnictví

AAVIT monitors the acceleration of digitalisation of healthcare at European level


AAVIT monitors the acceleration of digitalisation of healthcare at European level

In the previous weeks, the European Commission presented the draft European Health Data Space (EHDS). This is an initiative to create a single market for digital health (e-health) services and products across the European Union. The EHDS initiative will help to make significant progress in the way healthcare is delivered. It will allow people to control and use their health data at home and in other EU Member States.

With the EHDS, people will have immediate and easy access to their medical data in electronic form, free of charge. They can easily share this data with other health professionals in other Member States, making healthcare delivery more efficient. Citizens will have full control over their data and will be able to add information themselves, correct erroneous data, as well as restrict access to others and obtain information on how and for what purposes their data is used.

To ensure that citizens’ rights are protected, all Member States must create or designate competent authorities for digital health. These authorities will participate in a cross-border digital infrastructure to support the sharing of patient data.

The EHDS creates a strong legal framework for the use of health data for research, innovation, public health, policy-making and regulatory purposes. Under strict conditions, researchers, innovators, public institutions or industry will have access to large amounts of high-quality health data that are essential for the development of treatments, vaccines or medical devices. This will ensure better access to healthcare and increase the resilience of healthcare systems.  

Access to this data by all stakeholders involved will require authorisation from special authorities to be set up in the Member States. It will only be allowed if the requested data is used for specific purposes, in a closed and secure environment and without the threat of revealing the identity of the individual. It will also be strictly prohibited to use the data for activities that harm citizens, such as developing harmful products or services or raising insurance premiums.

“AAVIT definitely welcomes this initiative, despite the fact that it is aware of the demands that its implementation will place on healthcare facilities and the government,” says AAVIT Director Jaromír Hanzal. The establishment of the EHDS can bring a much-needed impuls for a more vigorous digitalisation of the Czech healthcare system. “In this area in particular, we see considerable potential for Czech companies to develop and offer downstream digital solutions to the market,” adds Hanzal.